Thursday, March 3, 2016

My Motivation

Hey Guys!

       I just wanted to bring up a topic that I have been thinking about for some time. You see, due to the fact that my brain is engineering based in its processing I constantly find myself asking questions as to why I pursue the activities and topics that I write about. In particular of late this self analysis has been belaboring the question of why do I enjoy collecting so much?
Image result for question mark
Photo taken from:
        While I don't have an exact reason for I why I do what I do, mainly collecting coins, I can mention some of the motivating factors behind my hobby. Ever since I was a kid I have always enjoyed organizing things and tidying up livings spaces. Collecting plays to this passion by allowing me to place every coin I find into one neat binder organized by oldest date to newest date (as seen below).
One of the pages from my personal coin binder!
         There is just this immense feeling of satisfaction I get whenever I look through my coin collecting binder and see the pages of history laid out before me. It makes me feel like an archaeologist looking over an ancient ruin, wondering what hands built the place and who they belonged to. There is a sense of mystery and discovery that comes from collecting that I have never gotten anywhere else, I feel like I can personally uncover artifacts that large parts of the world have completely forgotten about! I know its not the same motivation as other collectors but it is that spark that keeps me out their hunting for coins to complete my binder!

        Have a great day and Happy Collecting everyone!

- Sean

P.S. Leave a comment about what motivates you to collect. I would love to hear the story!

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