Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Story Worth 25 Cents…

A photo of the State Quarter in proof condition from
So I will be completely honest when I say that I am TERRIFIED to have started up this blog. I have never been a big Facebook or Twitter user and I don’t know if what I have to say is interesting. While my vocabulary is big and my grammar is above average, I have always struggled with opening up to others and discussing my emotions outside of my immediate family. Since I like to be alone and reflect when faced with what I think is an important decision, I take routine walks in order to be by myself and to find the answers I am looking for…

I remember that the day I chose to think about how I wanted the blog to look. The day was cold and windy. The past few days had temperatures that were below freezing, and that this particular day the sun was out and the temperature was near 50 degrees! I recall that upon reaching the start of my usual route, I took a left and went down a side street in my neighborhood. Around the bend in the road and at a dead end, I followed a beautiful bike trail that led to a small neighborhood park.

The wind had died down and no one else was using the park at that time, which meant that there was little sound. A calm seem to fall over the park, as though time was standing still for that moment. The remnants of our last snowfall crunched underneath my sneakers as I walking to the solitary swing set in the center of the park. Sitting down on one of the swings, all I recall is the sun’s rays warming my back as I felt a peace enter me that I had not felt for a long time.
I often forget how precious a simple moment of silence is when surrounded by all of the forms of modern technology and entertainment. It is in moments like these that I could step away from the music and video games and truly reflect on what I wanted my future to look like.

            It was in that moment that an important thought struck me…“collecting is not about the things”. While I enjoy finding unique and cool items, my true joy with this hobby is the experience surrounding each item I collect. While some collectors talk about how much they got an item for compared to what it is actually worth, they only do so because that is part of the story or experience associated with that particular piece of their collection. This revelation was followed by my looking down and seeing a state quarter shining on the ground in the afternoon light, like it had been placed there for me to find…
Here is the front of State Quarter I found while out on my walk
Here is the back of State Quarter I found while out on my walk   
              While this quarter will never be worth more than 25 cents in my lifetime, the lesson it reminded me of is truly priceless. No matter what method of collecting you enjoy or what you like to collect, the memories you take away from your searching are the most valuable parts of the hobby. That is my belief and the foundation upon which this blog will stand. I hope that over time as I share my collecting stories with you, you will, in turn, share yours with me. 

      Welcome to the CollectingwithSean blog and have fun!

- Sean

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