Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Fantastic Monday!

Hey Guys!

       Guess what, Guess what, Guess what! Yesterday was a GREAT day at work! I not only found three really cool coins that I wanted to have for my collection, but I also met and talked with a fellow collector for a couple of minutes!

       The collector was an man in his 60's who told me that the Hot Wheels cars he had purchased were not for his grand-kids but instead for him. He said that collecting the toy cars was a guilty pleasure for him and that he had over 1000 vehicles displayed at his house! I cannot even fathom how much effort it will take before my collection reaches a similar level! Anyways it was a short but fantastic conversation and I hope I can meet him again!

        The end of the day was also blessed by three awesome coin finds that happened one after the other! I was becoming sad since it has been several days since I saw anything of true interest to me at my job site, but that changed yesterday!

        The first two coins I saw were this 1972 Canadian cent and this 1945 wheat cent from the U.S.A.

The fronts of the cents

The backs of the cents
       I am really happy about these finds because I did not have a 1972 Canadian cent in my collection and the wheat cent is a BIG upgrade in condition compared to the one I had previously (see the pictures below).

The coin is so tarnished that I could not get a clear picture of the obverse!

At least the reverse looks a little better...
       Then after my shift is over I go pick up this beauty from a register run by another associate! It is a 1971 D Kennedy Half Dollar and the backs on these coins are just incredible! Easily one of my favorite U.S.A. coin reverses!

The Front of the Half Dollar... a little worse for wear

The design of this reverse is just awesome!

     And that wraps up the rather spectacular Monday I had! I am planning to grab more nickel rolls from the bank today and will let you know about any finds I make from those!

Happy collecting everyone! And leave a comment if you think the Half Dollar design rocks!

- Sean

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