Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Checking your Corners... JP's Corner that is....

Hey Guys!

        All of this coin collecting recently has severely drained my collecting supplies. As such I am going online to buy more. With some research I found this awesome group called JP's Corner that has every kind of coin collecting item you would need to start your own collecting passion!

JP's - Coin & Currency Supplies
The banner logo for the company
        From cardboard coin sleeves to high quality jeweler's lenses, these guys have it all! On top of that they have some of the best prices I have found to date for the materials they offer, as well as outstanding reviews that talk about the quality of their customer service representatives! I would highly recommend that if you are interested in entering the coin collecting hobby that you give this site a quick looksie.

        In other news the local public library is hosting a book and audiovisual media sale this upcoming weekend, and I cannot wait to see what I find there! So stay tuned for that and have a great hump day!

Happy Collecting!

- Sean

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